Deerfield Ladies Locked And Loaded is a social gathering of women who want to learn more about firearms, firearms safety, self-defense, basic firearms handling skills and more.
This group is led by Jessie Astell and meets one Wednesday evening each month at Deerfield Pistol and Archery Center.
Educational -- There is so much to learn about firearms that it's important -- whether you are a newbie or a seasoned veteran -- to keep your firearms knowledge fresh. If you want to feel safe and comfortable handling a firearm, then it's important for you to remain a lifetime learner. Our group can help you do that.
Each meeting includes a variety of activities. Besides the opportunity to socially interact with your fellow classmates, Deerfield Ladies Locked And Loaded presents structured class time explaining the details behind how firearms work, which firearm may be best for you, loading and unloading, proper handling, cleaning and a whole lot more.
We make sure you're prepared to go into the world with your firearm, whether you are keeping it in a safe at home, locked away in a bedside table, in your purse or in in a holster on your hip.
Interactive And Live Fire -- There is nothing more exhilarating or empowering than safely firing your firearm of choice. That's why Deerfield Ladies Locked And Loaded events dedicate time to both interactive range time and live-fire range time.
On the Interactive range, you will face decision-making scenarios that will train you in how and when to use your firearm to defend yourself or someone else. A skilled instructor will help you understand what you did right, what you did wrong, and how you can improve after each interactive video-based scenario.
On the live-fire range, you get the opportunity to put your skills to the test with a real handgun firing live rounds. Our range will help you get comfortable with handling, loading, shooting and reloading your gun. Before long, you will be as comfortable with your gun as you are with anything else.
For more information about our next event, give us a call at (608) 764-2040 OR EMAIL US AT LLL@DEERFIELDPISTOL.COM.